Peace Is Dangerous

Hello!!!, everyone today we are gonna talk about peace but with a different perception.We living being is always struggling to find peace we do anything to achieve peace.We try to find peace in everything.First, we think that peace is in good grades during our school life, so we study very hard to achieve that peace but we cannot find it there so we move on.

Then we think peace is in money during our professional life so we run after that peace but we cannot even achieve it there.

Then we think peace is in life partner so we search for them.And when we became older we try to find peace in charity, prayers or worshipping God.

In this whole process we really never achieved peace so we think after death we are gonna achieve peace.So what is that peace we searching for it everywhere? From our birth to death.

a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended.

So can we ever achieve that state when there is no war?I don’t think so, because if we ever achieve that.Then we stop searching for peace everywhere and try to live with it.

There is always war is going on in our head.And it is also that war in which we think peace is in money, study, loved one or in god.

I say peace is in everything if we really wanted.But today we are not talking about how to attain that peace I am talking about peace is dangerous.

Yup, you’re thinking what I am trying to say?.

I am just trying to say that peace is dangerous because in order to achieve that peace we struggle our whole life, sometimes we do that, so sometimes we do that in hope to achieve peace.

We cannot stop running in our life in order to achieve that.But you people say we never run after peace we run after grades, money, loved ones, luxury, wealth etc.

Yup, exactly why you run after this things?.Because you feel peace when you achieve these things.You don’t even know about it.But, in the end, we all are struggling to find peace whether you believe it or not.

For example, you always try to make more bucks than your earning today.But why are you trying to make more money? it is because you feel that I am gonna in peace state when I have a lot of money.But you never achieve it even when you have a lot of money.So you move on and try to find peace somewhere else.

You people are thinking that it is an exact same like finding the happiness I just changed the word from happiness to peace.No, we can find happiness because happiness is for short span and we also achieve that but after some, it fades away whereas if you achieve that peace than it stays with you.

And let’s again assume that you have achieved that peace and if you don’t know anything about that peace first, then it might ruin your mind.

You are thinking what nonsense I am speaking? but first just let me hear out.

Your brain always struggle with the war of what is wrong? and what is right?.And suddenly that war which is going in your head stops.what you feel when suddenly a thing stops which you are so connected with it from your birth ends.And your brain feels free and light.Then it might again send you to the wrong direction even when you have that achieved that peace now you can’t deal with it.

And let again assume that we have achieved that peace, we get used to it.Then again one thought come in our mind and it completely destroys our peace and that thought is what if one day our peace is destroyed?

People say if you achieve that state of mind where the war ends.Then how can war again start over only on one thought?But the war has ended but our brain did never stop functioning.We always have thoughts in our brain.When your in that peace then you love that peace more than anything else in your life and we might also have fear of losing that peace.Due to this fear, our peace of mind ended.

I think peace is that weapon which helps us from this harsh world.If we use that weapon correctly than we can acquire the whole world. But if we don’t know how to use that weapon than we can even kill ourself.

Peace is like medicine just like medicine only effect on when we take proper doge.If we take more than doge then it has a side-effect on our body.But it doesn’t mean medicine is meant to harm us.It is made to cure us but because of our stupidity, we have to suffer from its side effects.Just like that peace is dangerous when you don’t use it properly but if you use it in the right way then you never wanted to leave that peace.

Construction & destruction is in peace take what you to want.

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